
Scratchpads let you control what features people can access on your site.

You can access the permissions from Admin menu go to People > permissions. Permissions can be set for each of the five user roles:

  • Anonymous A non-logged in user.
  • Authenticated (unblocked) user: Able to access non-public content, create and edit own forum posts
  • Contributor: Able to create content and edit own content
  • Editor: Able to create and edit own content, and also edit other people’s content
  • Maintainer: Like editor, but also has administration privileges


If you do not want people to download files attached to Biblio references you can update the permissions:



By default, only users with an account (non-Anonymous) can create comments.

You can change this by checking the anonymous user option in the Post comments permission.

Node revisions

Node revisions are only viewable by the content authors, but you can grant other roles access to view the changes.
