Import users


Excel file imports can be used either for creating new Users or for updating existing ones. Please see the Import content page for more general info.

To download the template file (for new data or for updating your data)

  • Go to Import > Users > Excel file import
  • Choose the template file you wish to work on (choose the first for creating new data or the second for changing or amending existing Scratchpad data)
  • Open the downloaded excel file in your computer and edit it

Complete the columns as follows:

  • Title: The title of the individual, either Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, Dr, Prof., or leave blank for no title.
  • Other/given name(s):
  • Family name:
  • Country (ISO alpha-2):
  • Homepage (URL):
  • Institution:
  • Area of Taxonomic Interest:
  • Mail:
  • Username:
  • Password: