Citing Scratchpads

Scratchpads are a dynamic environment. Site maintainers, editors and contributors can modify the contents of a page at any point. However, as Scratchpads are being used as a source for information in scientific journals and other online resources it is necessary for a visitor to be able to capture the information provided in a page and be able to access this page at any point in time, even when the contents of the page have been modified at a later date.

The Cite this page functionality allows visitors to generate a snapshot of the page they visit that is being deposited in a separate secure Scratchpad server with a unique and stable URL. The stored snapshots will remain accessible even if the original source is no longer available.

Enabling the module

  1. From the Admin menu go to Structure > Tools
  2. Enable the Scratchpads Cite this page tool under the Sharing section
  3. Click Save

Using the tool

This functionality, once enabled, is available to all registered and anonymous users of the site. Once enabled a Cite me button will be available to all pages in a site that have content that can be cited.

  • To create a permanent snapshot of a page click Cite me on the page you wish to store in our servers.

  • The original author as well as the subsequent editors of a node/page are included as authors of the node/page

  • The title of the node/page will be used as the title of the created snapshot

  • All snapshots are stored as PDF files with relevant annotation embedded
